
A Walk in St John's, Antigua

A Walk in St John's, Antigua

To see a different side of Antigua, we travelled to the small capital city of St John’s with our cameras.

How to Take Better Travel Photos with Your Phone

How to Take Better Travel Photos with Your Phone

For our Instagram stories, and because we always have a phone with us, we're starting to appreciate the medium of smartphone photography a lot more on our travels. Here are our tips for taking better photos with your phone!

How a BenQ Monitor Transformed the Way We Edit Photos

How a BenQ Monitor Transformed the Way We Edit Photos

Photography is a core part of our travel philosophy - and it wasn't until we changed monitor that we realised how little we were truly seeing of our images. Here's our review of the BenQ PD3200Q Designer monitor. 

Sucre Photo Journal | Discovering Bolivia's White City

Sucre Photo Journal | Discovering Bolivia's White City

Sucre has about it a rugged romanticism. Crumbling white walls and a strong indigenous presence - the story of this city is found on its streets, and not in the guidebook.